Save The Atmosphere

Flying with less pollution

The atmosphere is getting more and more damaged by aeroplanes. Environmental destructive gases leaking into the sky. Many people ask: Is it necessary to fly around the world to go on holiday.
The atmosphere is getting more and more damaged by aeroplanes. Environmental destructive gases leaking into the sky. Many people ask: Is it necessary to fly around the world to go on holiday. Many people could easily have a perfect holiday without flying around the world. But, for many business-travelling people, aeroplanes are necessary to maintain control over the company. I think that the companies who travel with planes should be interested in causing less pollution when they fly.
People who travel a lot should check if there are other alternatives than aeroplanes. If not people should check if they could fly propel airplanes, instead of jet planes. Jet planes use five times more fuel than propellor planes. Propellor planes can now fly up to 800 km/h, which is nearly as fast as a jet plane. Propellor planes also fly lower than jet planes, so less destructive gas reach the ozone layer. Since jet planes cause a lot of pollution, I think that there should be a fee for using jet engines. A fee for jet engines would make the airline companies think before using jet engines. It would make the companies use more propellor engines, especially on short distance routes. A drastic reduction of jet engines would very much help the atmosphere to survive.
The best for people who should travel short distances, is to use other transportation than aeroplanes. For example train, car or boat. That is because boats, trains and cars use much less fuel than aeroplanes. Less fuel means less destructive gas in the sky. Other alternatives for people are not to travel long distances, but travel in your local area. If less people travel long distances and use fuel, less gases would came out to the sky.
If less people travel long distances and use fuel, less gases would came out to the sky. Therefore, the conclusion is to try to travel with boats or trains, if you have to travel. If not, try to use propel planes instead of jet planes.